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The Creator Economy Assets

By Carlos Aguillon

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Stuck trading time for cash? Escape the "freelance trap" with powerful tools that work for you, not the other way around.

As a modern creator, most people tell you that the best ways to monetize your business include:

  • Freelancing
  • Coaching services
  • Mastermind groups

And I consider all of these products as a solid stepping stone in your creator journey.

But, once you’ve set up the foundations of your business. The next level is to scale, and any of these products allow you to scale.

The Real Goal

Most of us started this journey with a single goal: Earn Our Freedom.

We may have earned more money or deal with less uncertainty in a traditional corporate 9-5. But, we got into X and social media because we wanted something more: Freedom.

Even so, many creators are falling on what I call the freelance-trap. This means that they’re making more money than ever before — but to make more money, they need to work longer.

They need to accept a new client, and spend tens of hours with them, without counting the time needed to find & convert a new customer.

Thus, you feel trapped. And no wonder.

Hopefully, there’s a simple solution for that.

Building Assets

If you’ve ever read any financial book, you’ll know that the key to being rich and free is having cash-generating assets.

Things that produce more money once you acquire them. Money produced while you sleep.

Before you tell me that you won’t invest your hard-earned creator money in real estate or the stock market because of the low returns — I want to present you the creator economy assets.

The assets inside the creator economy are things that produce money for creators while they sleep.

Now, I underlined the words “for creators” because these kinds of assets leverage on the nature of the creator economy.

Which means that these assets educate your followers, align with your creator mission and inspire them to take action through your unique story, skills, experiences and knowledge.

Between the most common assets, we find:

  • E-books, audiobooks and books.
  • Online communities & membership sites
  • Online courses, webinars, videos, and masterclasses.
  • Digital products (templates, reports, music, software, etc.).
  • Content library (you put together all your products and make a single and more expensive offer — e.g. $197/month for everything I’ve created).
  • And everything that doesn’t need from your time to fulfill the order.

As you may have watched, the beauty of these assets is that you build them once, and can sell them forever.

For example, you record a course once, and you can handle as easily 10,000 customers as 10 customers.

Which means that to make more money, you don’t need to work longer hours — so your income doesn’t depend anymore on your time as you take care of your customers on autopilot.

Besides, building assets isn’t only the most logical option for your income as a creator — but it’s also the right thing to do. Let’s see why.

Your Beginner’s Friendly Product

Let’s be honest. You are probably charging +$497 for any of your coaching services. And multiple thousands of dollars for more personalized offers.

So, do you really think that any of your 10,000 followers can afford it?

In most cases, it’s a plain no.

And that has been okay for you up to now. Either way, you couldn’t coach 1,000 people. Probably, you were working with just 20 people out of your 10,000 followers.

But, what’s about the other 9,980 people who follow you but can’t afford any of your products. Well, they need to keep up only with your free content.

Here’s where the creator economy assets get in.

These assets are the roadmap for beginners and intermediates who want to start this journey, but don’t have the money to afford one of your coaching services.

I mean, as you don’t need to work 1-1 with every customer. You can charge $150 over $997.

Making your products a lot more affordable. Specially for people outside the US and Europe, where the monthly minimum wage can be as lows as 350 dollars (as someone living in Colombia, I can guarantee you that’s our current wage).

Desaturating Your Schedule

The final question: When to go from 1-to-1 services to massive products?

Well, this is how I see it:

The Creator Economy -- Assets Hierarchy
  • You start freelancing your time and skills, doing most of your client work. Here, you sharpen your knowledge and design a process that takes your clients from where they’re to where they want to be.
  • Once you don’t have more time to accept more clients — you start doing the work with your clients. This means that you coach them and guide them through the process you came up while freelancing.
  • Once you don’t have more time to coach more people and can’t increase your prices — you start building massive products (assets) where you teach beginners the process you’ve used with your clients.

This final step is something that I consider necessary — even if you enjoy working with your clients and want to continue doing it. And the reason is simple, you free up your schedule, so you can focus on higher-level activities.

Building assets doesn’t mean that you need to retire from the creator economy (even though it opens up the possibility).

Building assets is really about desaturating your schedule, so you can focus on:

  • Building bigger things (like software).
  • Building a team & helping more people (freelance → agency).
  • Creating more content and attracting more people – spreading your message.
  • Chasing new opportunities (your first business doesn’t need to be your last business).

Clearly, building an asset isn’t an easy job. And you are going to need to invest a lot of time and probably money.

But, after reading this article — I’m 100% confident that you also think they’re worth it.

The Creator Economy Assets: Summarized

This is how the creator economy works:

  • Creators don’t come here just for the money, but also for the freedom.
  • To get freedom, you need to build assets that make money while you sleep.
  • These assets help beginners and intermediates who couldn’t afford your services.
  • By doing it, you desaturate your schedule — so you can enjoy your freedom or build bigger things
  • Between the most common assets, we find e-books, courses, online communities and digital products.

I hope that you be convinced of the importance of building your own creator assets.

So, stay tuned and sign up to the waitlist because I will be launching a give-away soon about:

  • Building Your Website: How the big creators built their 24/7 money-making machines

As always, it’s a pleasure to write for you and I appreciate you’ve read until the end.

See you in the next Letter.

Peace & success.

— Carlos Aguillon

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I help you to build an online business that gives you

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by Aguillon Ventures, LLC