The Automatization Creator

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The Automatization Creator

Helping you turn followers –→ long-term customers via automated sales systems.

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Design Thinking Templates

By Carlos Aguillon

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Hello guys!

In this page, you will find all the links to the templates that we have been using during the Design Thinking Series. All of these for FREE.

Please, share & enjoy.

1. Empathy

Use the latest techniques to understand your customers, specifically their problems, so you can build courses that solve their problems.

Tools used:

2. Define & Ideate

You have a long list of problems that your customers face. Now it's time to define the most important problems to solve, and ideate possible solutions to solve them.

Tools used:

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Join The Automatization Creator to get a weekly article with exclusive systems to grow your online business on autopilot.

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© 2024, All Rights Reserved by Aguillon Ventures, LLC

I help you to build an online business that gives you

financial & time freedom.

© 2024, All Rights Reserved

by Aguillon Ventures, LLC