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The Evolving Entrepreneur

By Carlos Aguillon

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Dream big, face failure, and evolve. Rewire your thinking with an evolving entrepreneur's mindset – a path from limiting beliefs to success.

I’ve always been obsessed with entrepreneurship, even though it has produced one of the worst feelings that I’ve ever experienced.

The feeling of complete failure because you were ignored.

~ Let me tell you my story ~

After just reading the famous book Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. I learned that having assets generating cash-flow 24/7 is always better than trying to work at a job 24/7 — maybe because it's impossible to do so.😁

And, I was fucking excited.

I was a 16-year-old kid who had never heard a word about that (seriously, what do you learn in 12 years of school???).

Anyway, I felt that it was my mission to share this message with the world. For me, it was the most important message at the time, but no one in my environment was talking about it.

Thus, I spent the next six months building two YouTube channels, three memberships sites, two blogs, two Instagram pages, one website and two Facebook pages under the brand Zenturianz Money.

After all of this work, I was literally dreaming about the thousands of lives that I would change when I went public — as well as the thousands of dollars that I would have.

So the launching day arrived, and the worst happened.


No sales, no views, no followers, no likes, no leads.


It was like if the whole world didn’t want to know anything about me or my creations.

At the time, I blamed the algorithms naively.

But the truth was much deeper.

I had treated my business like a school project. And, school isn’t the real world.

Understanding My Failure From Today’s Lens

It has been three years since then. And my worldview and business perspective have expanded drastically. I now understand why failure was inevitable with the strategies that I was using.

I mean, my past self expected that everyone wanted to make more money — thus, everyone would launch a business as soon as I showed them that entrepreneurship is the best path towards financial freedom.

Logical, right?

Well, not so much. There, I had just committed my first mistake:

Next, my past self believed that a product was a business.

When reality is a lot more different.

You need to consider things like:

  • Who will be your customers?
  • What will you do for them?
  • How do you attract and sell them?
  • How to fulfill the order?
  • What resources & people are you going to need?
  • How do you keep track of your progress?

But, I didn’t consider anything about that, so how could I expect to attract customers if I was unaware of who my customers were?

And that was my second big mistake. I didn’t have any strategy to find customers, provide value and generate a sustainable business.

I required a business plan to guide me in all the domains (marketing, sales, production, money, etc.).

You might find out that your plan wasn't perfect, and you need to adjust it (sometimes reality doesn't behave like we expect). But that doesn't mean your plan was pointless. Instead, think about this:

Finally, my past self thought that businesses behaved like academics — I mean, you have a set deadline at the end of the semester, and you must work for long periods of time until everything is perfect.

Therefore, I worked for six months before releasing any part of my work (even a single Instagram post).

This leaded me to my third big mistake. I never tested my ideas to confirm that there were people interested in them.

Thus, as Peter Drucker famously said:

So, how do you know what should be done?

The Evolving Entrepreneur. The Big Mindset Shift.

The truth is that you will never be 100% confident about what should and shouldn’t be done. As Eric Ries wrote in his book The Lean Startup:


A lot.

It means that launching a business will look more like:

We all want to reach our goals in a straight line — but reality is more like a maze where you don't know how far you've come, how much is missing, or if you're actually going in the right direction.

So, how do you deal with an uncertain and ever-changing world?

You don’t.

You accept the fact that you can’t make a perfect plan without mistakes — so you craft the best plan that you currently can with your current skills, knowledge, and expertise.

Not forgetting (here comes the interesting part) that your plan will have mistakes.

Here, you might wonder why would someone craft a “bad” plan?

Because, even though this plan may not take you to your end goal. It will hopefully help you to get from point A to point B:

Once you get to point B, you’ll have a different worldview. You’ve acquired new knowledge, skills, and experiences. You will have grown as a person and evolved into a more capable entrepreneur.

As a result, you will be able to devise a fresh strategy that, hopefully, will lead you to point C (I say “hopefully” because you may fail and may require an updated strategy given the fresh insights you've gained)


Once someone adopts this mindset, I call them an evolving entrepreneur (chances are that you may be one of them).

Let me give you an example of what an evolving entrepreneur looks like, so you can more easily understand it:

  • Tom went to college because he used to think that a good, safe job translated into success.
  • In his first job, he discovered how far reality was from his expectations.
  • Tom became interested in different career paths. Specially, the online entrepreneurship path.
  • He started posting on social media about his passion (fitness) — and learned about content creation, social media growth, attention-grabbing messages and more.
  • With these new skills, he was able to design a wonderful and engaging course about fitness.
  • But, even though he had followers, he was horrible at converting them into customers.
  • So Tom decided to learn as much as possible about marketing.
  • With this new skill, he crafted a new plan to re-launch his product.
  • This time, he got more orders than he could possibly handle.
  • Now, he’s on his path of building a team and systems to scale his business.

Please consider how Tom had no idea that he would be leading a team to scale his own fitness business when he went to college. And how Tom has no idea about what he would be doing in three years when he masters the leadership skills.

That’s the path of an Evolving Entrepreneur. They craft and execute the best plan they currently can with their current skills, knowledge and expertise.

Even though they know their plans and goals will change a lot as they learn new things, they don't see these changes as failures. They see them as opportunities to grow and evolve themselves.

Side note, if you’re like Tom and need help with marketing, monetizing your audience or converting people into customers, my Conversion Secrets Masterclass is for you.

Giving You Permission To Fail Grow

Why to care about being an evolving entrepreneur?

I realize it's not very sexy to admit that you'll make mistakes along the way. Or, admit that these mistakes show you that you weren't ready to accomplish your goals yet — you needed to expand your knowledge, skills, and expertise first.

So here’s a list about why this philosophy is amazing and will help you to achieve your goals:

  • Permission to Fail and Learn: Redefine failure as a learning opportunity, appreciating the chance to grow as a person and entrepreneur.
  • I used to think that failure meant a lack of skill to plan or execute. Neither of these things helped me get better. Now, failing means learning to me. I appreciate it because it gives me a chance to learn, grow as a person, and move on to the next stage of life and business.
  • Embrace Imperfect Planning: Craft the best plan with your current skills, acknowledging it will have mistakes. Plans serve as a guide, and improvements come with experience.
  • Everything that is now big started out small. Growth happens when you're consistent on the journey.
  • Realistic Expectations: Develop realistic expectations, understanding that success often involves multiple business experiences, setbacks and failures.
  • I mean, a big reason because the failure with my first course was so painful is that I expected that this product would take me to a millionaire. When the truth is that you need multiple business experiences and often multiple businesses before achieving those stages of success.
  • Advancing Toward Goals Incrementally: Achieve goals gradually by building a business step by step, scaling as skills expand.
  • Maybe you won’t reach the goal of being a billionaire in your 30s or a millionaire in your 20s. But you’ll start building a business that takes you to four figures, then five figures, and constantly scaling it as you expand in skills and evolve into a more capable entrepreneur.
  • Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurship: Gain a sense of purpose by setting and pursuing clear goals, enhancing overall well-being.

The Evolving Entrepreneur: Summarized

The evolving entrepreneur manifesto.

This is how you deal with the business game and persist even and specially when you fail:

  • Set a vision: you can’t achieve a goal that you haven’t established.
  • Achieve goals incrementally: you know that to hit your 1st million, you start by $1k, $10k, $100k.
  • Imperfect planning: you craft the best plan with your current skills — acknowledging it will have mistakes.
  • Set realistic expectations: you understand that success involves multiple business experiences, setbacks and failures.
  • Give yourself permission to fail: you know that mistakes come before mastery.
  • Work relentlessly: you work daily on your purpose and always go that extra mile.

I hope that this new philosophy be helpful to you. It’s completely free to implement, and you’ll be better equipped to deal with the crazy world of business.

As always, I deeply appreciate the fact you've read until the end.

I encourage you to subscribe to the newsletter, so you be the first to read my next article. The topic is:

  • The Myth Of Business Strategy: Why everyone has a wrong idea about business planning? And, how to actually have direction without getting rigid or ideological?

It's going to be amazing, I deeply encourage you to read it.

Peace & success my friend.

See you soon,

Carlos Aguillon

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I help you to build an online business that gives you

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by Aguillon Ventures, LLC