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The Evolving Business Strategy

By Carlos Aguillon

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Your strategy can make or break your business. Discover the foundations and proven principles behind every successful plan.

I was re-doing my course videos for the 3rd time.

It was a course on financial education inspired by the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

And I hopped to achieve two goals with this course:

  • Share the message of financial freedom that I didn’t get in 11 years of traditional education.
  • Pave my way towards financial freedom.

But, neither happened.

The truth is that my first course was a sales and marketing failure.

I didn’t get a single follower, customer, or lead. Nor even likes or views.

But, if no one was going to watch my videos, why was I re-doing these for the third time?

Why did I spend 2 months and a half so focused on video & course production, while I was careless about the marketing?

Why before getting my first sale, was I already planning my taxes’ strategy (this sounds like a joke, but I actually connected with accounting agencies & spent whole days on blogs like Nomad Capitalist)?

The answer is simple, but painful.

In my mind, I assumed that:

  • Because everybody wanted more money — then everybody would start a business as soon as I showed them that entrepreneurship is the best path towards financial freedom.
  • I also assumed that by building the perfect course, I would automatically attract people, sell them, get my message spread & attract a team to do all the boring stuff.

Obviously, neither of these assumptions were right. And as Eric Ries wrote in his book the Lean Startup:

I mean, I would have been successful in a world where you don't need marketing to sell things, and customers come to your door. But, that world doesn’t exist, and we must deal with reality.

Assumptions. The Stepping Stone

We all live by assumptions

It’s simple human nature.

For example, you wouldn’t be reading this article if you don’t assume that you’ll live enough to launch a business, or you’ll even be alive tomorrow.

Assumptions aren’t bad, nor good.

They just are the way that our brain can do planning & future thinking.

But, as you learned in my story. You need to be careful about them — they’ll literally determine your future and success.

Thus, it’s a good idea that your assumptions reflect reality as closely as possible.

Business Assumptions

So, it doesn’t matter how great you think that your idea be. It’s about how truth your idea is.

And if the man behind Amazon says it, we should pay some attention to it.

Keeping that in mind, let’s craft a business strategy that pays close attention to assumptions (these are the foundation for every strategy that you make).

A strategy that you can quickly update as your assumptions prove to be right or wrong. In simple words, an evolving strategy that grows with you.

The Three Principles of Business Strategy

A successful business strategy has only three things:

  • It gives you direction and a north about where to go
  • It helps you to zoom-out and be aware about the activities where you invest your time
  • It evolves as you are closer to the truth and your perspective expands
Visualization -- Business Strategy Principles

So, let’s start:

1. Direction. Know Where To Go.

Not every assumption is the same.

It isn’t the same to say that people will use “Red flying cars” as saying “People will use flying cars”.

One is about the painting and the other about the whole product.

I call the most important assumptions: leap-of-faith assumptions.

Because if you are wrong on one of these, you’ll need to change your entire business strategy.

So, there are only three leap-of-faith assumptions:

  • Customers: they’re the only people who will determine your success. So, who do you help?
  • Value: what problem do you solve for them?
  • Growth: how do you attract customers?

Take some time to think and write these down.

With these assumptions, you’ll know where to go — and get a direction on business.

But, will this direction give you the rewards that you want?

How do we do it?

You’ll follow the next steps

  • Market: The market is where you can find your customers. And you check:
  • How big is it? — The bigger, the better.
  • Is it growing? — The faster, the better.
  • Value: You want to check that your customers care about solving that problem. The easiest way to do it is by knowing if they’re buying alternative solutions to other businesses.
  • Are people buying a solution for that problem?
  • Are businesses paying ads for marketing that solution? (If they buy ads, they’re getting sales)
  • Growth: To get customers, there are three main ways:
  • Social media: Can you attract almost for free people to your business through social media?

This is the best option for beginners, and I highly recommend it as it is free to start and gives you massive leverage as it compounds easily (once you get your first 1,000 followers, getting the next 1,000 is almost automatic).

  • Ads: Is the ads’ cost four times lower than the price of your product? You spend $50 on ads, and you get $200 in revenue.

Ads are very effective, but they are also very risky because you have to spend the money before the first sale (and you may never get your money back if you can never make a sale).

  • Word of mouth: Is your solution so good that people would automatically bring their friends?

If you rely on recommendations, you're creating something that no one has seen before, and it's pretty damn good. Think about how Tesla never spent money on advertising in his first years and relied completely on viral content.

These three assumptions will be sufficient to have direction and know where your north is. As my college professor used to say:

If you have complete freedom to design anything you want, you will have no limits on what you can focus on.

~ Monica Valenzuela, Professor UNAL ~

2. Zoom-out. See The Big Picture

I learned it the hard way.

A product isn’t a business.

My first business failed because I didn’t know how to consistently attract people, sell them, fulfill the order, build a team to scale it, or even how much money I needed.

But, as it’s said:

Mistakes come before mastery.

The truth is that you need to zoom-out and not only focus on the thing that is in front of you, but see the whole picture.

Visualization -- Zoom-out Business Strategy

This whole picture includes marketing, sales, production, finance, human resources, etc.

Before you get overwhelmed with all of these words, I want to tell you that I’ve already found the perfect tool to craft the big picture without getting lost.

It’s a tool called The Lean Canvas:

Business Strategy -- Lean Canvas Template


The Lean Canvas Template

Get all the templates that I've been using to launch my online educational business. I hope that these save you time, work and mistakes. Remember, all of these are completely FREE, and I don't even ask you for your email address.

You can download for free Your Lean Canvas template with the organce button that is above.

Now, to fill the template, you’re going to follow the next process (it’s important that you keep the next order):

  • Customer: you already have this one. Who are you going to help?
  • Problems: what problems do your customers face?
  • Existing alternatives: How are they trying to solve those problems right now?
  • Value proposition: What solution are you going to provide?
  • Unfair advantage: Why is it different and more valuable than current alternatives?
  • Channels: How are you going to provide that value to your customers?

It's useful to think of this as your sales process. For example:

  • You attract people on social media, paid ads or emails.
  • You get their emails when they subscribe to your free e-books, video series, newsletter or webinars.
  • You convert them into customers through your landing pages, sales calls or email sequences.
  • You offer them courses, coaching, done-for-you services, etc.
  • You retain your customers through your online community or social media content.
  • You ask for referrals and give them an incentive (money or free products) for every person that they bring to your store.
  • Key activities: What are the key actions you must take to reach your objectives?
  • Key metrics: How do you know that you’re making progress? Establish one metric for every key activity.
  • Allies: Who could help you to achieve massive success with little effort?

Think about getting your product on Walmart, or Mr. Beast endorsing it on a YT video.

  • Income source: How do you get money (price X units)?
  • Key resources & Expenses: What resources (software, people, ads, etc.) do you need? How much are you going to spend on each?

When you get this done, you’ll have a holistic plan to build your online business.

You’ll see the big picture and know what activities you really need to do (those that contribute directly to your success).

3. Evolve. Test your assumptions

An idea is just an opinion until you have data to back it up.

~ Carlos Aguillon ~

Your assumptions are only that. Assumptions.

So you need to find a process to test your assumptions and make sure that they’re true.

Remember, it’s about seeking the truth, not flexing that you were right.

In a future post, we’ll cover how to design experiments to test your assumptions before committing significant time or money.

By now, keep in mind that you’ll have to update your plans as you experiment and prove that your assumptions are right or wrong.

If these are wrong, you'll have to change the “how” or vehicle that you use to achieve your goals – and experiment with new techniques until you find one that adapts to your vision and environment.


  • You’ll keep track of your metrics — you don’t want to change what’s already working because of a bad mood (decisions without data are opinions).
  • You’ll go to your lean canvas and re-read your whole strategy.
  • You will use the color red to show what new assumptions you're going to test & what experiments you're going to do.

I know this sounds simple. But, there’s a powerful idea behind it.

The idea that your plans need to evolve as you advance on your entrepreneurial journey.

The idea that it’s impossible to craft a perfect plan without any mistakes, but constant improvements are the only way to get everyday closer to your goals.

Visualization -- Business Perspective

The idea that your work needs to evolve as you focus on higher-level activities.

Activities that you’ll discover as you advance in your journey.

You can’t identify the important work without first dealing with the unimportant work

~ Carlos Aguillon ~

If you’re interested in the topic, my last article talks about Business Mindset, dealing with failures and constant evolution. The article is: The Evolving Entrepreneur. Why Better Beats Perfect?

I encourage you to check it out.

Business Strategy. Is it worth?

Why should you have a business strategy?

When we talk about business strategy or business plans, there are always two sides:

  • One side talks about something called Strategic Planning, which means that you visualize the future, then find a way to make that future possible. Sadly, it’s also from this world that comes things like 2050 Mission, Vision, Values & Goals.

Thus, it’s hard to “update” your plans to new changes (becoming you rigid & slow), and you’ll spend too much time on the board “strategizing”:

  • The other side is the “Just do it” School. They think that planning is so imaginary and theoretical (not very surprising). So they prefer not to plan, and just work on what seems the most important work (like I did — my most “important” work was to re-edit my videos for the 3rd time). But, once again:

You didn’t fail because of a lack of skill, but a lack of perspective about what the essential work was.

~ Carlos Aguillon ~

And I was very frustrated with both sides. Specially if we remember what the purpose of a plan is:

Plan’s purpose: make your future actions more effective.

~ Carlos Aguillon ~

Hopefully, I’ve found the right balance between both perspectives.

A strategy that gives you direction, priorities and awareness of your environment.

And you can quickly craft and evolves as you grow.

Business Strategy: Summarized

It has been a pleasure to write this for you.

So, let’s finish with the key ideas from today:

  • Our mind makes assumptions every time it thinks about the future.
  • The accuracy of your business assumptions will determine your success.
  • The three most important assumptions are about your customers, your product and your growth mechanism.
  • It’s a lot easier to visualize all of your assumptions and zoom-out through a visual tool like the lean canvas.
  • Assumptions need to be tested to be considered true.
  • While you test your assumptions, you may need to change your strategy and experiment with new techniques.
  • You can’t craft a perfect plan. Thus, you’ll need to update it as you experiment and evolve on your entrepreneurial journey.

Finally, remember a plan's purpose: make your future actions more effective. So, take action. Otherwise, this will have been pointless.

I encourage you to subscribe to the newsletter, so you be the first to read my next articles. Some future topics include:

  • Testing Ideas Before Committing Resources: How to test your assumptions in small batches before committing significant time and money.

As always, it’s a pleasure to write for you and I appreciate you’ve read until the end.

See you in the next Letter.

Peace & success.

— Carlos Aguillon

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I help you to build an online business that gives you

financial & time freedom.

© 2024, All Rights Reserved

by Aguillon Ventures, LLC