How to convert strangers into paying students

The Framework...

1. Intro

a) Course intro
b) Problem and Solution (how this course helps you)
c) The Mindset (the mindset to sell online)

2. Attract the right customers

a) If you don’t have customers yet
b) If you have already some people on the board

3. Design your offer

a) Free information vs. paid information (What to give for free? And, what don't?)
b) Sell to the mind
c) Sell to the hearth

4. Sell your offer

a) The easiest way to attract people to your website
b) Decide your price
c) Design your sales strategy

5. The sales message

a) Write your sales page content
b) Write your sales emails

6. The website

a)Have an operating website without tech knowledge

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I help you to build an online business that gives you financial and time freedom.

© 2024, All Rights Reserved by Aguillon Ventures, LLC

I help you to build an online business that gives you

financial & time freedom.

© 2024, All Rights Reserved

by Aguillon Ventures, LLC