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How did I recover from a failing course?

By Carlos Aguillon

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Didn't you get the results that you hoped for your course? In this article I will show you how to recover from a sales failure.

So, in order to understand better the story, I advice you to go to this post, where I covered completely my experience while launching my first online course as well as some lessons that I learned, and mistakes you can avoid. The article is 3 lessons that I learned from my first course. Anyway, I will do a quick summary about it. So, let's start.

The story

I had just put six months of work and focus into a financial course, that was greatly inspired by the book Rich dad, Poor dad from Robert Kiyosaki. This was the best and first financial book, that I had read in my whole life, and I did it while I was 16 years old. Actually, I could say that this book changed my life. I mean, it was literally one of those few no return points, that you have. Because, you can’t live the same, once you know that you don’t need a job to have money. Interestingly enough, a big part of society, and academia haven’t realized it.

Anyway, I was still a school kid, and as soon as I discovered it. I invested the next six months building blogs, YouTube channels, Facebook & Instagram accounts, and two courses around the topic. Plus, a membership system.

Finally, the big launching day arrived in December 2020, a day that I had dreamed about for months. And, the worst happened. Nothing. I didn’t get a single view, like, or sale. I just got complete ignored, which is probably one of the hardest feelings that you can have as an entrepreneur. I mean, you have put your soul & hearth into something, but no one experiences it. And, you don’t have a chance to prove to yourself and your family & friends, that all of this effort was worth.

And, even so, I launched my next business just three months after that experience.

Why or How? Was I crazy?

Well, I think that this is the question, because you came here. Let me answer it briefly:

Basically, the way that I recovered from a business failure was remembering the purpose, and the reason because I started my business in the first place. But, that’s very simplistic, let’s delve into the three things that saved my life from my business failure.

1. The Fuel

So, I started my first business, because I discovered what financial freedom was. And, I learned that it was something possible to achieve in real life. Therefore, every time that I worked in my business, I thought about the freedom that I would earn for myself and my family. I mean, my mom shouldn’t work anymore 60 hours a week or more in a job that drains her energy. And, that was enough fuel to get myself working again.

For other people, it may be to pay the rent, to bring food to the table, to quit that awful job that you hate, but you need. Or, it may be about earning something that you wish, for example, taking some vacations in Europe, getting a new house, giving your children the best education, and the list goes on. So, in plain English, the fuel is the thing that motivates you to achieve your goals. And, it is a personal need that your business will solve for you. Therefore, it’s usually related to money.

2. The Purpose

At difference from the fuel. The purpose is a second and deeper why. Which means that this is the reason because you started this business over any other business. For example, I started my business in the financial education industry, because I wanted to help people to become financially free. Now, please write down the reason, because you started this course. I mean, why your course topic is about relationships, instead of fitness and personal help?

So, you have already defined your fuel, and your purpose. And, here’s where people usually wonder about what is more important. Your fuel, or your purpose.

Short answer: both

Longer answer:

  • Your fuel is going to give you the energy to start now. I mean, how many times have you listened people talk about wishing to be healthy, but ordering a big pizza with soda? Many times, so the fuel is the thing that tells your mind: “I know that you want that pizza, but don’t you prefer to play with your grandchildren? Remember the last appointment you had with the doctor”.
  • The purpose is going to make enjoyable your journey. Your purpose sets the direction, and gives meaning to your actions. For example, do you think is it better to make $200 thousand a year helping children in Africa, or making $200 thousand a year in a mine in Africa that exploits children? One path is enjoyable. The other one is miserable. I mean, without purpose, you get the feeling of making money, but hating every second of your life.

3. Humility

Having a purpose, and fuel to achieve that purpose, is great. But, as Einstein famously said:

Sorry for quoting so many times to Einstein. But, let me explain why I am talking about this.

When you get to launch your next business, you don’t want to make the same actions and mistakes that led you to that past failure. Otherwise, you'll get the same results. Thus, you will need to change, and you’re going to do it by battling your ego, and recognizing the fact that you aren’t as good in business as you thought. Therefore, you'll need to learn, be better, and improve.

How to improve?

Modeling the actions of successful people. I mean, if someone is making more money than you, then that person knows and does something that you don’t. And, if you want to internalize it, you will need to do the exact things they are doing.

For how long?

At the time of my business failure, I followed Russell Brunson’s path. And, even though I was humble enough to recognize that I wasn’t such a good entrepreneur. I made a costly mistake. And, it was to expect too much.

I mean, I was expecting to get the same results as him in the next three months, even though he has been in business for over 20 years. So, obviously, after just three months of following Russell Brunson’s advice, and not seeing big results, I quit.

And, I say that this was a very costly mistake, because I was doing the right things, but I didn’t do them long enough to let them produce its results.


Here I shared with you the three strategies that saved me from my first business and course failure. I hope that you had found at least one useful. And, remember, every new try that you have, is a new chance for becoming successful. Thus, consistency beats luck, and skill. Never quit trying, specially when you fail.

Peace & success.


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