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How To Attract Customers

By Carlos Aguillon

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Get ahead in business: Master the art & science of customer attraction with these proven strategies.

I read my first financial book when I was 16 years old. It taught me what it means to have financial freedom, and why your income needs to come from investments and businesses, over a job.

And after discovering all of this cool information, my first feeling was disappointment.

Not with the book, but with the schools. They hadn’t taught me anything about financial freedom in the 11 years of traditional education that I had at the time.

With a deep determination to educate the world, do the job that schools avoided, and pave my way towards my own financial freedom. I worked for the next 6 months building 2 courses, 2 Instagram pages, 2 YouTube channels, and 3 membership programs.

My dedication was just as high as my expectations — I expected thousands of dollars rolling from the first week — based on simple calculations like: with only 1% of internet users, I would be rich.

Finally, the launching day arrived in December 2020 and the worst happened.


No views, no likes, no customers, no impressions. Nothing.

That was one of the worst feelings that I’ve ever had — the feeling of building something great and not having anyone to experience it — the feeling of being ignored by the world.

I cried as a little kid. I blamed the algorithms, I blamed the rich, and I blamed my innocence.

Remember, I was still a little and immature teenager.

But then I realized that blaming wouldn’t take me anywhere. I needed to learn how to attract people to my business if I wanted to continue on this dream of entrepreneurship and financial freedom.

The Big Picture Understanding

I didn’t know it at the time — but what I was trying to learn already had a name: Marketing.

Now, as my law teacher told me last week when we started classes:

Law is a 5-year college degree, and I have the difficult job of summarizing 5 years in 4 months. So you, business students, can understand the basics of law, specially of commercial law.

He then said: I don’t expect that you master commercial law at the end of the semester — but I aim that you know the basic rules of commercial law because the first step to winning the “legal game” is knowing how it’s played.

Today, I tell you the same. Marketing is also a 4-year college career, and today I aim to summarize it for you in a 10-minute read. Teach you the fundamentals and rules, so you know how to play & win this game.

Attracting Potential Customer

"Marketing is communication at a big scale with your customers"

~ Carlos Aguillon ~

To understand marketing, we need to understand human communication because that’s the core behind marketing. For example, when you communicate, you have:

  • An Objective: like telling your mom that you can’t come to dinner tonight.
  • A Message: “Hey, mom, things have changed at work and I need to stay late. Let’s go for dinner tomorrow”.
  • A Channel: you send the message by speaking with your mom on the phone.

Now, in marketing, it happens the same, just that we use different words. For example:

Marketing -- Three Fundamentals
  • An Objective → Brand: communicate that you help lawyers to have a healthy lifestyle without investing more than 2 hours a week.
  • A Message → Content: if you don’t have time to exercise or cook healthy food because of your busy lawyers’ schedule — here’s my 5-step time-saving process to improve your health”.
  • A Channel → Platform: let’s say you share your content through social media, specially LinkedIn.

Marketing is more than just communicating to your potential customers that you’re the right person to solve their problems.

Now, that you know the three fundamentals of marketing. Let’s study each of these in depth:

Your Brand: The Transformation

The origin of the word brand comes from behavior change. That means that people will act different when they see that one of your products has your brand on it.

Therefore, a good brand is measured by the impact it has on us.

For example, we pay multiple hundreds of dollars more for an iPhone because it has the Apple logo on the back (consider how a logo changed our behavior, and we paid more). A logo that represents exclusivity, reliability and high-quality.

The secret behind every successful brand is the transformation it sells. For example, Coca-Cola says that we’ll be happier after buying a Coke. Or Victoria's Secret and Calvin Klein say we’ll be sexier.

Therefore, what’s the transformation you want to sell to your potential customers?

To find your unique transformation — start by outlining the way you help your customers. It’s useful to use the classic sentence: I help {your customers} to {achieve a goal} by {method} without {pain}.

For example:

  • Wealthier: I help accountants ascend the corporate ladder by teaching them about legal stuff without having to take longer shifts.
  • Healthier: I help busy lawyers to have a healthy lifestyle by focusing on the fundamentals of fitness without using extensive workout routines or time-consuming meals.
  • Happier: I help working mothers to have better relationships with their spouse without neglecting their children or job.

Please state your sentence.

The Content: Your Message

Once you know what you can do for your customers, and how you can help them to achieve their goals. The next step is to communicate this message to your potential customers.

In this section, you’ll learn the basics of persuasive communication (copywriting).

Persuasive communication focuses on triggering behavior change — a change from their past and bad habits to following your advice and new habits.

Your Content: Three Fundamentals of Your Message

So, a persuasive message has three components, as Russell Brunson pointed out in his book Traffic Secrets:

  • Hook: this is how your message starts, and its goal is to grab the attention of your readers, so they read the rest of the message.
    This could be the headline of your blog, your post image on social media or the first 5 seconds of your videos. It’s the first thing that people watch.
  • Story: the story is used to retain the attention of your customers and make them interested in your business.
    Here you can use metaphors, quotes, lists, personal stories or even comparisons.
  • Offer: it’s the thing you offer to your customers.
    The most obvious is your product, but it can also be a lead magnet, your newsletter, your advice, your personal brand (by asking people to follow you) or even your message (by asking for likes and shares).

Now that you know the three basic components of a good message, you will leverage on “writing frameworks” — these are different structures that you follow to make your hook, stories and offers more effective using human psychology — my favorites are:

  • PAS(O): I started with this one because it’s the easiest to learn and can be used in almost any context.
  • PASTOR: an advanced modification of the last framework that fits well in longer messages like blog articles or video scripts.
  • APAG: this comes from my favorite copywriter, and I really like it because it offers a fresh perspective from traditional frameworks like PAS(O) or PASTOR. And you can use it for any form of writing.
  • AIDA: a framework that works very well in social media and short blog articles.

The Channel: The Platform

Once you have a clear brand and you know how to design effective messages. The next step is to distribute these messages and share them with your potential customers.

According to Alex Hormozi and his book $100 M. Leads, he says that there are two main ways to classify channels:

  • People who know you vs. People who don’t: are you contacting someone who has heard from you before?
  • 1-1 vs. 1-many: are you contacting a single person or a group of people?

With these categories, we get 4 main ways to communicate with your potentials customers. Those are:

Main Platforms & Channels To Reach Leads

Taken from $100 M. Leads, Alex Hormozi

  • Warm outreach: you contact people who know you one-to-one. Think about writing a message to your school friend, or making a call to one of your colleagues.
  • Cold outreach: you contact people who don’t know you one-to-one. For example, you write an email to a business owner, or you call to the office of someone.
  • Social media: you publish content that will mostly be watched by your followers & their friends — people who have seen you before.
  • Paid ads: you pay to platforms for putting your content in front of people who don’t follow you or have never heard about you.

Now, I want you to choose one platform. The platform that you understand the most and feel that you could do for the longest time (I’ll tell you why in a minute).

Tying It All Up

As entrepreneurs, we love to start new ventures and business projects. We want to run ads, be on all social media platforms, write emails to potentials customers, and make some sales calls. And do it before 11:00 AM.

But the key to winning the marketing game is consistency & skill. You need to master 1 channel, 1 product & 1 customer before trying to scale.

I mean, master the fundamentals before trying to go on advanced mode.

Actually, many of my mentors, including people like Russell Brunson, Alex Hormozi and Dan Koe tell me that I need to stick to my favorite channel for at least a year, or until I get to my 1st M. dollars.

I must confess it. At the beginning, that seemed crazy and excessive. But, since I started my social media career 2 months ago in January. I can tell you that it’s true.

You can’t really imagine how much work, skills and self-education you will need to master one platform (this only seems simple in theory & blog articles — actual business reality is messy).

And the last thing you want to do is to delay your success even more by widening your focus.

I mean, if it usually takes one year to see big results on Facebook. Imagine having to wait two years for seeing big results because you’re trying to do Facebook and TikTok at the same time. Or even worse, trying to master ads and social media simultaneously.

So, choose your channel carefully. Stick to it for a long period of time. And try to make your message as consistent with your brand as possible.

"As with everything in life, the key to winning the marketing game is consistency"

~ Carlos Aguillon ~

Why To Master Marketing?

As entrepreneur, you only have three main jobs:

  • Design an irresistible offer for your customers. What do you sell?
  • Attract a crowd of potential customers to your business. How do people know you exist?
  • Convert potential customers into customers. How do you sell?

Even so, I’ve just written a paragraph about how messy business reality is — business has a handful of absolute truths. And one of these is:

The more people know about the stuff you sell, the more people will buy it.

This is a double numbers game.

On one hand, it’s a lot better to have 10,000 people knowing about your stuff than only 100 people — on the other hand, the person with 10,000 posts will always beat the person with 100 posts.

So, get to work and do it for a long period of time. It’s only there when the results show up.

How To Attract Customers: Summarized

This is how you attract customers so consistently that people think you’re cheating:

  • You clearly understand your brand (what you do, and for whom).
  • You master persuasive communication with practice & copywriting frameworks.
  • You choose and focus on one single channel for at least a year.

As I said, it’s simple, but don’t easy.

Finally, I encourage you to subscribe to the newsletter, so you be the first to read my next articles. Some future topics include:

  • Mastering Social Media: My personal experience as a social media creator & my roadmap to success.

As always, it’s a pleasure to write for you and I appreciate you’ve read until the end.

See you in the next Letter.

Peace & success.

— Carlos Aguillon

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I help you to build an online business that gives you

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by Aguillon Ventures, LLC