Want To Get Paid For Helping People With Your Knowledge?

Brand-New MASTERCLASS Shows You How To Convert Your Followers into Customers

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to your inbox, ASAP!

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Stop Designing Content That No One Watches

The challenge isn't how to build an educational product,

it's how to get people to buy your product

Have You Ever Addressed One Of These Problems?...

If you don't, feel free to leave this webpage:

  • You get little to none sales for your info-product.
  • You need to get more followers to get more sales
  • You feel you created something amazing, but no one buys it
  • People only consume your free stuff, and ask for discounts.
  • You lowered your price, but it didn't boost sales
  • There is too much competition, and you're left with only low-quality customers
  • You don't know what words to use in your sales videos, or website
  • You feel stucked, and confused, and don't know what to do

Imagine a Life, Where You...

  • You can consistently land new customers, who don't ask for discounts.
  • You don't depend on the algorithm (more followers) to get more sales
  • You convert your followers into customers
  • Your income is growing, as well as your sales for your courses, coaching, freelance or consulting services.
  • You know exactly what to write in your website, and how to promote your course in your social media content.
  • You transform more lives, and help more people to achieve their goals.
  • You manage tech seamless, and don't need to hire engineers, or spend hours with tech support.
  • You can diferientiate yourself in the market, and competition is no longer a problem.
  • You now enjoy sales, and stress, or anxiety are past feelings
  • You can charge high prices without worrying about competition or online marketplaces.

What You Will Learn Inside

Sell your knowledge consistently with a system

that generates real-world results

Sell your knowledge consistently with a system that generates real-world results

  • The secret to get information about your followers (so you can understand them) quickly and ethically
  • The actual way to communicate your frameworks and lessons, so your followers know it's the right option
  • My exact method to increase my product value, and don't have to lower my prices to get sales
  • The professional "best practice" to help your customers achieve results more easily & quickly (make them more successful)
  • The sales message that spreads curiosity & excitement, so your products don't get ignored in the internet
  • Get the secret to eliminate guarantees and refunds without damaging your sales
  • The exact strategy to make people act faster, and buy NOW, not tomorrow, or next week

Sign Up To The Masterclass Now andd

Get These FREE Bonuses!

Bonus #1 - Online Workspace

Your Online Step-by-step Roadmap

Total Value: $97.00

"Knowledge is not power. Knowledge is only potential power.

Action is power." Tony Robbins

Here, you will be able to materialize all the ideas that you get

through the course, so you go from learning to doing quickly.

Which means you'll actually increase your

sales, not just learn the theory.

(With a clear road-map to follow).

Here, you will be able to materialize

all the ideas that you get through the course, so you go from learning

to doing quickly.

Which means you'll actually increase your sales, not just learn the theory.

(With a clear road-map to follow).

Get This For FREE When You Sign Up Today!

Bonus #2 - Website & Course Hosting Platform

Your Free-Forever Platform

Total Value: $100.00/month

The free-forever hosting platform to host your course as well as your website pages without paying a penny (or sharing profit as “transaction fees”).

Which means you won't have to pay to online platforms like

Kajabi, Clickfunnels, Teachable or Udemy again.

The free-forever hosting platform to host your course as well as your website pages without paying a penny (or sharing profit as “transaction fees”).

Which means you won't have to

pay to online platforms like Kajabi, Clickfunnels, Teachable or Udemy again.

Get This For FREE When You Sign Up Today!

Bonus #3 - All Of My Sales Script

Know Exactly What To Say When Selling

Total Value: $47.00

The exact scripts that I use to maximize the results that I get from my

sales webpages and emails, so you don't have to start from zero.

Which means you will save a lot of time & money (if you used to hire someone).

Get This For FREE When You Sign Up Today!

Bonus #4 - My Email Marketing Platform

Deepen Your Followers' Relationship Beyond Social Media

Total Value: $47.00

I will show you how to get your followers' emails, so you can differentiate from

other influencers and communicate with them beyond social media.

Which means you will increase your followers' trust

and boost your credibility. I also gift you $20 credit in

premium features for my favorite email marketing platform.

I will show you how to get your followers' emails, so you can differentiate from other

influencers and communicate

with them beyond social media.

Which means you will increase

your followers' trust and boost

your credibility. I also gift

you $20 credit in premium

features for my favorite

email marketing platform.

Get This For FREE When You Sign Up Today!

Bonus #5 - My Copy-paste Survey Questions

Know What Your Followers Want From Their Own Words

Total Value: $27.00

Stop blind guessing what your followers want and need. And use the secret that I use to get all of my surveys answered quickly.

Plus, save a lot of time by copy-pasting the most powerful

questions to get the best insights from your survey.

Stop blind guessing what your followers want and need. And use

the secret that I use to get all

of my surveys answered quickly.

Plus, save a lot of time by copy-pasting the most powerful questions to get the best insights from your survey.

Get This For FREE When You Sign Up Today!


I Might Disappoint You

Sorry, but not sorry.

There are no refunds on this product. No exceptions.


1) Once you know who your high value customer is and how to sell them. There are no returning points. It’s impossible to don’t make more money when you know where the money is.

2) It's your personal responsability. The system works, but if you don't implement it, you will never get what you want. I can't do the work for you.

3) It’s a digital product. There isn’t a way to return the product. Meaning there has to be a consequence for those that are trying to freeload.

Why To Act NOW?

You might like the masterclass. But, if you are still in the fence and you want to wait a bit...

Well, here's why you should DO IT NOW:

  • The longer you wait, the more days your product remains hidden in the shadows (it won't magically change unless you do something different)
  • The longer you wait, the stronger the competition will be. While you're here considering it, your competition is currently improving their sales & marketing (leaving you with fewer customers)
  • We're around New Year's Resolutions. Are you going to take advantage of this great seasonal boost? Or, are you going to let it pass and wait until next year?

There is NO CATCH!

I know there are some websites, where they ask you for subscriptions, continuity programs or money to get access to the course tools.

This isn't one of them. There are NO hidden fees.

Actually, here's everything you get:

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get When You Join The 'Conversion Secrets Masterclass' Today!


  • Learn exactly how to understand your followers' needs and problems
  • Learn how to increase your product value by showing it like the right option to solve your followers' problems
  • Enhance your offer quickly and easily, so your customers get more results faster (help them more)
  • Don't rely on more followers to get more sales


($97.00 VALUE)

  • Bonus the online workspace to guide you at every step and go from learning to doing quickly

HOSTING PLATFORM ($1,200.00 VALUE or $100.00/month)

  • Bonus the free-forever platform to host your course & website without paying a penny


  • Bonus all of my sales scripts to write high-effective sales message quickly


  • Bonus the free email marketing platform to go beyond social media with your followers


  • Bonus my copy-paste survey that actually gets answers to know what your followers want


Get Everything Today For

ONLY: $97

(What You Usually Pay In A Single Month

For Just Hosting Your Course Or Website)

This Is A One In A Lifetime Offer,

So Join The Masterclass NOW

Before It's Too Late...

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you enjoy the masterclass!


Carlos Aguillon

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm giving you a masterclass, where you will learn how to convert your followers in paying students. Plus, $1,438 worth in bonuses that include things like course & website hosting free-forever.

And, I'm just charging you $97.

There's no catch... no gimmicks... You will NOT be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.

So, Click the orange button below to join the masterclass now. You won't regret it.

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I'd like to rush the $97 masterclass to your inbox, ASAP!

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