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The Automatization Creator

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From Niche To Customer

By Carlos Aguillon

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How to go from a market to a single individual that you can actually understand & help.

I was trying to write the Customers section for my website (the webpage where I say who I help & how).

Even so, my mind was blocked and ideas were highly arriving.

~ Here’s the story ~

After a long time trying to find the “perfect” niche — I found out that the best niche is the niche you know the most.

So, the niche that I know the most is the educational niche — this means people who produce courses, e-books, coaching programs and services to educate & help others solve a problem.

And I was deeply excited.

Just in 2027, it will be worth half a trillion dollars, which is the same as the economy of countries like Nigeria, home to 213 million people, according to Goldman Sachs.

Besides, and more important, it was a niche that I understood and liked — I recorded & produced my first course in 2020 (not very successful in sales, but that’s another story).

Even so, my excitement quickly faded away.

I knew what my niche was, but I didn’t have any idea about who my customers were.

Were they course creators, coaches, agencies, freelances, content creators, influencers, or others?

This caused me a lot of confusion because every person inside the niche has different problems and needs — so I didn’t know if I had to design multiple products for every person?

And most important, where should I start?

Which kind of customer should I focus on first?

Side note: I assume that you already know what niche you’re targeting — otherwise, I encourage you to read this article, where I explained how to find the right niche for you

One Customer, One Product & One Way to Sell

It might be tempting to try to sell to everyone and their dog, but it's smarter to start small. You need to walk before you can run.

Before you start trying to sell to everyone and handle differente products for different customers – focus on just one type of customer and make one really great product for them. Keep it simple.

Actually, according to Leila Hormozi, one good customer can take you to your first million dollars. As you have more time & focus to make a really great product, and business

Focus that you lack when you try to build ten good products, but none of them ends taking off.

Therefore, choosing your first customer is super important. Make sure they're someone who is worth serving.

The High-value Customer

The customer is the most important person in the business. They’re literally the person who decides to buy or don’t buy your products — and how many of them to buy.

I mean, you can have the best product, or amazing systems inside your business — but without people to buy your products, your business is screwed up.

Thus, choosing the right customer can be the difference between massive success, average results or a complete failure.

So, the first step to choosing your customer inside your niche is to focus ONLY on what we call a high-value customer.

And, a high-value customer checks all the next four boxes:

  • They have enough money to buy your product.
  • They are easy to find (if you can’t find them, you can’t sell them).
  • They have a burning problem (you’re solving things that cause real pain to them).
  • There are more of them every year (it’s a growing market, e.g. newspapers vs. retired people).

Please check that your niche has high-value customers.

When you finish, you have filtered your options.

But, you may have found out that multiple people inside your niche are high-value customers — so how to choose the best option?

From Niche To 1 Customer: A Weird Approach

Visualization -- From Niche To Customer

Having a high-value customer is the minimum, the next question is:

Are you a high-value person for your customer?

I mean, in business & life, you get paid for the value that you can provide.

Thus, to increase your business success, you need to increase the value you provide.

Therefore, the question is actually quite straightforward:

What’s the 1 single kind of person who I can provide the most value?

For example, when I made this question around my service (helping people in the educational niche to sell their products) — I found out the next answers:

  • Coaches: I could help them schedule 3-7 clients more. More was impossible as they need to work 1-1 with every customer, and time is limited.
  • Freelancers: it happened the same as with the coaches. Time is limited & have a short limit on the amount of new customers that could handle.
  • Agencies: they have the same problem, but are more attractive, as one single customer could be equal to thousands of dollars.
  • Content creators: they were the best option because they sell digital products that don’t need from their time — I mean, once the course is recorded, you can sell it to 10 people or 1,000 people without having to invest more time or money on fulfillment.

So, what’s the 1 single kind of person that you can provide the most value?

I know it, it's a simple, but very powerful question.

Take your time, and write this down — please, don’t continue reading until you’ve answered it.

Customer Persona

I had designed a marketing service for software companies.

Even so, when I presented my offer to potential customers — they thought that I was a crazy & dreaming kid.

The reason?

A company that has raised millions from investors wouldn’t hire a part-time college student to lead its marketing strategy.

It sounds obvious, but I didn’t realize this earlier, as I didn’t know “how my customer thinks”.

Therefore, I created something that seemed perfect from my point of view, but was a terrible idea from my customers’ point of view.

To avoid this costly mistake of spending months building the wrong thing — I suggest you to understand deeply who your customers are.

This means understanding what your customer…

  • Does (habits)
  • Wants (goals & frustrations)
  • Thinks (beliefs & frustrations)
  • Struggles with (problems)

In simple words, you will be inside the mind of your customer. You’ll think like them.

To achieve it, we’ll leverage on the next template that you can download for free here (the template name is Customer Persona Template).

Customer Persona Template

To save you time, and you don’t have to read twice the instructions — you can find inside the template all the steps and instructions.

When you finish, come back here.


The Customer Persona Template

Get all the templates that I've been using to launch my online educational business. I hope that these save you time, work and mistakes. Remember, all of these are completely FREE, and I don't even ask you for your email address.

The Evolving Customer

Once you’ve finished your template — please pay attention here:

Visualization -- Zoom-out Business Strategy

Version. That single word may be one of the most important words from the template.

Because it represents that you won’t have a clear picture of your customers until you interact with them — it’s only there, when you’ll be able to compare your customers’ mental picture vs. reality.

After working with the same customer for months, I can tell you that you'll learn something new from them every day.

They’re constantly changing & evolving (The Evolving Customer).

Thus, you will need to constantly update your template and the beliefs about who they’re & how they behave.

And you’ll do it by using multiple versions of your templates.

I have found this strategy more useful than simply erasing and over-writing — because you can go back to your last notes if you make a mistake.

To duplicate a new version, just click on the Duplicate button that is up right.

Visualization -- Zoom-out Business Strategy

Is It Worth?

Here, many of you may wonder if it’s worth doing this exercise. Actually, many of you may be thinking that:

  • It’s a waste of time
  • I have multiple customers
  • The customer constantly changes
  • It puts you in a bubble about a perfect & “imaginary” customer

Well, to handle all of these objections.

Let me tell you my experience, then be free to decide:

  • It’s a waste of time: I built a marketing program for software companies for 2 months.
    Even so, I didn’t get a single customer because I never understood who my customer was or what did they want. Thus, I can tell you that the real waste of time is building something that no one wants.
  • I have multiple customers: Set strong foundations for your business.
    Before trying to go on “advanced” mode and lead multiple products & customers — master the fundamentals: 1 customer, 1 product, and 1 channel.
  • The customer constantly changes: it does. Therefore, you’ll need to constantly update your Customer Persona Template.
  • It puts you in a bubble about a perfect & “imaginary” customer: this is a big risk. Therefore, I suggest you to constantly test all your ideas and assumptions with real customers.
    If you’re interested in the topic, I wrote a full article about business strategy and assumptions.

From Niche To Customer: Summarized

We’re getting to the end, so let’s remember:

How to go from niche to customer?

  • Focus on 1 customer at the time — and make sure that this customer is of high value.
  • To find your right customer, you need to answer this question: Between all the people inside the niche, who is the person I can provide the most value?
  • Once you define your customer, get inside your customer’s mind by focusing on what they do, think, want and struggle with — leverage on The Customer Persona Template.
  • With this understanding, you can build something that they want, use and would buy.
  • Realize that the mental picture of your customers will be different from your real customers. Thus, you’ll have to update the template as you interact with your customer.

Finally, I encourage you to subscribe to the newsletter, so you be the first to read my next articles. Some future topics include:

  • Interacting with your customer: how to start conversations with your potential customers, so you can confirm your ideas, gauge interest & pave your way to your first real customer.

As always, it’s a pleasure to write for you and I appreciate you’ve read until the end.

See you in the next Letter.

Peace & success.

— Carlos Aguillon

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I help you to build an online business that gives you

financial & time freedom.

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by Aguillon Ventures, LLC