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How I overcame my sales fear?

By Carlos Aguillon

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Do you want to sell your course confidently without feeling anxious, stress or sales fear?

Hello, I’m Carlos Aguillon. And, today I will show you my three-step process to having the right mindset, while you’re selling your products.

1. Address the feeling

So, let’s be harsh honest. And, the first step is to take the bull by the horns.

Well, not literally. But, being honest you have designed an amazing course, where you put a lot of time, energy, and work. And, when you were about to launch it, you felt a lot of excitement, because finally you were going to help people with their problems. Either having a healthier life, having better relationships, learn a new hobby, or improving their careers, and finances.

But, at the time of setting the price, a lot of that confidence broke up. And, you even priced your product cheaply. Actually, when you were recording the sales video, you felt so anxious, that half of your body didn’t want to do it.

So, let’s talk about this feeling by a minute, and where does it come?

The answer for 80% of course creators is that this fear comes from not feeling true to your purpose. Let me explain it. You did this amazing course, because you wanted to help people with a certain problem. And, when you charge for it, you feel like you aren’t really helping people, but making money. Therefore, you feel anxious, stressed, or uncomfortable.

2. Overcome the feeling

Once, you know where this feeling comes, you’re half the road. Now, let me tell you a little story about how I overcame my sales fear.

A few years back, I was locked in a frustrating struggle with my weight. I felt lost and convinced that my body simply couldn't shed those extra pounds, despite trying various diets and workout routines. I mean, I usually went to YouTube, and I watched something like The new keto way to lose fat. I tried it for two weeks, only to see no real results. And, search again a new method for the next two weeks.

After nearly 18 months of this cycle, I stumbled upon Jeremy Ethier's YouTube channel. His advice led to some moderate success. I mean, I lost two pounds, which wasn’t a lot, but it was more than I had lost in the last year.

But the real breakthrough happened when I invested in his course. Now, I’ve already lost like 12 pounds since there, which is like 80% of my goal. And, it wasn't because of a magic secret inside the course; he already gives away his secrets in social media. The actual reason is that once I bought the course, I told to myself: You’ve already spent money on this. You can’t change your diet next week just because you saw something new online.

So, the next time that you are selling your course, remember that you do it to help your customers, and get their financial & emotional commitment with your program. Something that you aren't going to get just through social media content.

3. Deal with online comments

I would wish that this doesn’t work like this. But, there is always going to be someone, who asks you: why are you charging for your course if the internet has all the information for free. Just, ignore these kind of comments, and remember that these are the people, who can’t answer this simple question:

If it’s free, and available, have you already achieved that result?

Do you already have that visible six-pack?

Do you already have that successful business?

Are you already that top guitarist?

Over 90% of the people that ask for your course for free, and critique your work, are people who haven’t achieved those exact goals that your course covers. And, they are people, who won’t likely achieve it in the near future.

The reason:

They haven’t invested financially, or emotionally on a product to commit themselves to the journey.


So, the next time that you be selling your course, or recording your sales videos. Don’t think about the money, or the online haters. Instead, keep in mind these two things:

  • The commitment that you will get from your customers to follow the journey that you’ve designed. Remeber, we are following our ultimate mission of making our students as successful as possible. And, this is a mandatory step in this journey.
  • The tools and resources that you will be able to buy for your customers. I mean, once you get more sales, you can afford a better camera, a better mic, or a better software. You can hire a better video editor, or even bring experts to your class. Thus, you will make your customers more successful. And, it will produce a virtuous cycle, where:

You get sales, so you can invest more → Because you invest more, people get more success → Because you can get more success for your customers, you get more sales, so you invest more, and it repeats.

Now, as a course creator, it is your responsabilty to get results for your customers, and help them to achieve their goals through your products. And, why do I say that it is your responsability?

Well, quite simple. Because, if you aren't the person who makes them to commit to the journey, who is it going to be? Social media platforms?

Obviously don't. Therefore, do you want them to continue consuming videos, that don't yield big results. Or, do you want to be responsible for your customers' success and finally help them to achieve their goals.

I'm glad you stayed until the end. And, I hope that this information had helped you to feel more relaxed while you're selling, and you had gained a new perspective about how important are sales to get your customers' commitment, and ultimate success. Specially, their emotional commitment, and why it is your mission to get sales if you really want to help them.


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