The Automatization Creator

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The Automatization Creator

Helping you turn followers –→ long-term customers via automated sales systems.

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The #1 sales killer for online courses

By Carlos Aguillon

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The #1 sales killer for course creators, and coaches, is that you don’t make sales a priority. And, you say things like:

  • Marketing & sales aren’t that important.
  • It’s all about what’s inside
  • I don’t care so much about money
  • I don’t want to be a seller
  • You can’t really control sales, it’s all about the market
  • When you sell, you lose credibility

And, that’s my favorite, because if you really think that your product is good, and really helps people. Why aren’t you confident selling it?

And, for most online teachers, the #1 reason because they don’t make sales a priority is that you have no idea about what selling means. And, you’re afraid of being a pushy seller, or being considered a scam.

So, let me tell you what selling actually means. And, why once you understand it, and apply this new information, you will:

  • You will be able to live from your passion, and help a lot of people to solve their problems
  • You will have a lot of customers, and lives to transform
  • You will know that you’ve built something worthy, and useful

So, I’ve researched for many years about what selling means. And, the best definition that I’ve found comes from Dan Koe:

Selling definition by Dan Koe

And, what does it mean?

It means that you’re able to convince your customers that you’re the right person to take your customer from point A (A.K.A. problems) to point B (goal).

The purpose of your product

And, for a long time, I also used to think that sales & marketing weren’t important, and I didn’t make it a priority. Thus, I spent six months building a course about financial education, that got no sale. And, I don’t know much about you, but what I felt after this experience was the feeling of being ignored, rejected, and frustrated. The feeling of building something great, but no one to experience it.

And, since then, I committed to a personal mission of helping course creators like you to don’t experience this again. And, help you with their sales & marketing strategy. So, I built Grow Your Classroom Framework:

Grow Your Classroom Framework

And, when you implement this system, you will get a huge hidden benefit. And, it’s that you will finally get the commitment from your customers to implement your program, and commit to the journey, so they experience real success and results from you.

Now, let’s do a quick recap, of what happens once you make sales a priority:

Sales for course creators

And, a lot more. But, I think that’s enough to make sales a priority in your life, and I encourage you to download for free the Grow Your Classroom Framework, which is the framework that I use to sell all of my courses, and coaching services.

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I help you to build an online business that gives you

financial & time freedom.

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by Aguillon Ventures, LLC