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The Automatization Creator

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What's a conversion rate?

By Carlos Aguillon

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Recently, on the internet. People are arguing about the fact that you, as a course creator, should focus on improving your conversion rate, and forget about the amount of followers that you get. And, this is a bold claim. So, let’s start by understanding what a conversion rate really is.

What’s a conversion rate?

Well, a conversion rate is the percentage of people, who perform an action. Thus, you calculate it like:

And, you might wonder what kind of actions would I calculate with my conversion rate. Well, between the most common actions are:

  • Sales: what percentage of web visits are buying my product?

As a side note, this is the most common conversion rate.

  • Followers—Sales: what percentage of social media followers are buying my product?
  • Followers—Web visits: what percentage of social media followers are visiting my web page?
  • Ads—Sales: what percentage of people, who clicked my ads, are buying my product?
  • Ads—Clicks: what percentage of people, who watched my ads, are visiting my website?
  • Calls—Sales: what percentage of people, who talked with me on the phone, are buying my product?
  • Scheduled—Calls: what percentage of people, who schedule a call, attend the call?

Why is it important?

As you noticed, we have conversion rates for almost every action. Now, you might wonder why should you bother tracking this. Well, one simple reason, as Peter Drucker famously said:

“If you can't measure it, you can't manage it.”

And, it means. How are you going to get more sales, and help more people, if you don’t know where you’re falling short?

I mean, aren’t you getting enough paying students because you can’t attract people to your website? Or, because your website doesn’t convert people in customers?

And, to answer these kinds of questions. You need to track your numbers, and know where the constraint is, so you can fix it.

The power of conversion rates

Now, let me show you the power of improving your conversion rate. And, why this is the way over the endless path of getting more followers.

First, let’s see the average numbers that most course creators have:

As you can see, the average course creator has a 2.00% conversion rate, and will attract

Second, let’s see how many extra followers they would need to achieve their sales and customers goals:

Finally, let’s see what would happen if you focus on improving your conversion rate. I mean, you keep the same amount of followers, and web visits. But, you improve the sales process, which means that there’s a higher percentage of web visits buying your product. Remember, web visits are simply people, who visit your website.

The change is outstanding. You go from needing 20,000 extra followers to just improving your conversion rate by 0.80 percentage points. What path do you think is more achievable?

Keeping in mind these numbers, would you prefer to improve your conversion rate, or just get more followers?


Free Conversion Calculator

Enjoy the amazing calculator that I've designed specifically for course creators, and discover what's exactly your conversion rate. Plus, keep track of your numbers month by month.

Final words on conversion rates

Once, you discover, and keep track of your conversion rates. You can improve them. And, suddenly, the process of getting more customers doesn’t rely on the amount of followers that you have, or the algorithm.

It’s like recovering the power back from social media platforms, and understanding that you can increase the amount of customers that you have, even if YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram doesn’t give you a single new follower this month.

And, for many people here, improving your conversion rate is a more achievable path than relying on just getting more web visits through social media, or ads.

Conclusion. Conversion vs. more visits.

Even though you might be excited with the idea of improving your conversion rate. Why to marry with one single approach, when you can have both of them?

For example, what would happen if you improve your conversion rate, and you also get 20,000 extra followers. Well, then your numbers would look like this:

As you can watch. Now, you would have 70,000 followers, and your sales conversion rate would be 2.80% Which means that now you:

You go from 50,000 followers to 70,000. Which means, now you get 7,000 visits.

And, let's see the real magic. Because, you also improved your conversion rate, now your numbers are:

The bars are almost twice as big, which means you almost doubled your sales, students, and income!

Key numbers to take:

  • You are selling 196 courses per month
  • You are helping 196 new students every month to achieve their goals with your solution
  • Your monthly income is $9,800, while in the past it was just $5,000

That's a big win. Congratulations!

So, don’t focus exclusively on getting more followers, or only improving your conversion rate. Focus on both of them. But, start with your biggest constraint. I mean, if you think that it would be easier for you to achieve your goals by improving your conversion, then start with that.

But, if you don’t have many followers, and the conversion rate wouldn’t help you much, then focus on getting more followers by now. Later, you can focus on your conversion rate.

Remember, you can calculate your own numbers for free with our conversion rate calculator. Specifically designed for course creators:

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