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The Automatization Creator

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80-20 X Growth

By Carlos Aguillon

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The 20% of work that gives you 80% of results when growing on X as a beginner.

After listening to multiple advice on "How to grow on X". I’ve found that people promote:

  • Join RTs groups
  • Build a newsletter
  • Launch giveaways
  • Tweet 4–5 times daily
  • Write 200 words daily
  • Engage in other people’s content
  • Among others

Now, I want to be clear. I like many of these techniques. I firmly believe that these are the right things to do.

But, you shouldn’t do these now. I mean, doing the right thing at the wrong time is still wrong.

And, many of these techniques don’t help beginner growth (-1,000 followers).

Thus, most people waste their time, focusing 80% of their energy doing the work that only gives 20% of the results.

Therefore, they get quickly tired as they don’t see results. So, they quit, and actually, no surprise.

The 20% That Gives The 80%

So, what’s that 20% of work that gives you 80% of results?

Well, as Russell Brunson says…

You need to understand that as a beginner, you aren’t in a position where you can create your own niche organically. You don’t have that massive authority or leverage yet.

Instead, you need to attract people in your niche that are already congregated by other creators.

I mean, if you have less than 500 followers — most of your content won’t get read or shown to people’s feed. You just don’t have anyone following you.

So, the only way to get eyes (followers & views) for your content is by commenting on other people’s posts who already have eyes on their content.

This process is known as engaging. Let’s see it visually.

Engagement Visualization

And, engaging is the most effective way to grow as a beginner.

Now, many of you already know this. The real question is:

How do you do effective engagement?

80-20 Engagement

When I started doing engagement, I started commenting on posts from big creators like Dan Koe, Kieran Drew and Justin Welsh. Those were the people who had more eyes, and the people I had listened to more.

X vs. X Pro
X vs. X Pro
X vs. X Pro

The problem?

Everyone is already commenting there. Most of their posts get 100s of comments — Koe just got 73 in less than 1 hour.

Which means that it’s very difficult to stand out — specially because X prioritizes comments from big X accounts with the blue mark.

But, when I started engaging with accounts of my size, everything changed.

I could pass the 30 followers’ limit and in a few weeks I got my first 100 followers. I know that it doesn’t sound like a lot — but, it’s a 230% increase (more than double).

So, where do you find accounts of your size?

In the comment section of big accounts. I mean, many of the 73 people who commented on Koe’s post are people who also want to grow — and most of them don’t have +10,000 followers (just like most of us).

Besides, they are people who share the same interests as you and are in the same niche. So, their followers are a lot more willing to like your own content and follow you.

Thus, start following all of those people — specially people below 10,000 followers (I focused on less than 4,000 followers to max productivity — but it’s your decision, tell me if you experiment).

Working On X

You already know the secret to grow on X as a beginner (engagement) — and you know with whom to engage with.

Even so, X is a social media platform, and it’s designed to entertain, not work. So, I found multiple distractions while engaging.

Hopefully, Elon Musk built something called X Pro. And, I could quickly go from 20 comments per day to almost +60 comments, investing the same amount of time.

X vs. X Pro

X Pro comes with X Premium (blue mark) and is designed to make work easier on the platform — making you more productive and eliminating ads from your feed.

So, how does this work?

  • You create a list with the creators of your size, who you found in the last section — it’s important you make the list private, so they don’t get notified when you add them to your list.
    I suggest you to keep your list with less than 50 people, so you can watch everyone's posts. More people means to watch posts of only a few, and fewer means to limit you to very few creators. But, 50 people is the sweet spot.
  • Then, you’ll go to
  • You click on: Add column → Lists (select your list)
  • With your list, you can configure the page layout for maximum productivity (here the fun begins):
  • Go to settings
  • Click Options → Column width → Wide (to see the posts wider)
  • Go to Search → Filters → Likes, Replies & Repost → Select only Original Posts (so you focus on original posts, not comments as these don’t get much engagement)
  • X rewards the newest posts. So, you’ll get more views if you engage with recent posts compared to old posts (think about the last time you watched a post of last week or even yesterday). Thus, focus on the latest posts.
  • Use the Keyboard shortcuts to avoid losing time by clicking with the mouse. The most important are:
  • J - Next Tweet
  • K - Previous Tweet
  • CTRL Enter - Send Post.
  • L - Like the selected Tweet.
  • R - Reply to the selected Tweet.
  • Enter - Expand someone Tweet.
  • Esc - Come back after expanding a Tweet.
  • ↑ & ↓ - Move up and down (very useful when you expanded a long-form post)
  • Start engaging.

Keeping Your List Fun

As a creator, you’re pursuing something more than money. You want to pursue your interests and work on your passion (work → play).

Thus, it wouldn’t make sense if you don’t enjoy engagement.

To keep this activity fun, you can make 2 things:

  • Eliminate from your list: it’s YOURS list — if you don’t resonate with someone's advice, then delete them from the list.
  • Add to your list: if any of the content you’re watching interests you — then, you need to add new people and content to your list (often, this is the manifestation that you chose a niche because of the money, don’t because of passion or curiosity).

Even if you’re enjoying your list, I’ve noticed that I usually end up engaging with only 10–20 creators from the 50-people list after some weeks.

Many people quit and stop posting content — specially because many of them didn’t have many followers (+50,000).

So, I strongly suggest you to keep your list fresh by removing the people who you don’t engage often with and adding new “hot” people. I do this twice a month.

Just remember the 50-people limit for your lists.

Mindful Comments

So far, you know the smart way to grow on X, and the smart way to engage.

We’re just missing one piece to finish. And, it’s:

What do you reply to on someone’s post?

Well, I usually do any of these 5:

  • Tell a story: share my experiences related to the topic.
  • Have fun: some posts are just for jokes — enjoy these.
  • Add more value: Expand on something that they didn’t cover.
  • Contradict them: if you don’t agree with someone’s advice — say it. Just make sure you’re polite, and you focus on contradicting the advice, not the person saying it.
  • Congratulate: people often share their achievements — so I congratulate them and take advantage of the opportunity to ask questions (learning from those who’re already succeeding).

And, never think that these kinds of comments will help you:

  • Yes
  • True
  • Agree
  • Nailed it
  • Etc.

80-20 X Growth: Summarized

So, this is the 20% that gives you the 80% of growth as a beginner on X…

  • When you start, no one sees your content because no one follows you.
  • You get your first followers by engaging with other creators who already have followers.
  • The key to effective engagement is on focusing on creators of your size.
  • Working on X Pro is 3x more productive. Leverage lists, keyboard shortcuts, ads free space, and latest and original posts
  • Keep your list fresh by eliminating people you don’t resonate with, and adding new people. But, never pass the 50-people limit.
  • Make mindful comments by sharing your stories, adding values, having fun, congratulating them and even contradicting them if necessary.

Finally, I encourage you to subscribe to the newsletter, so you be the first to read my next articles. Some future topics include:

  • My Posting Strategy: Publishing my own tweets, threads, long-form and articles.

As always, it’s a pleasure to write for you and I appreciate you’ve read until the end.

See you in the next Letter.

Peace & success.

— Carlos Aguillon

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